The sacrament of baptism ushers us into the divine life, cleanses us from sin and initiates us as members of the Christian community. It is the foundation of the sacramental life.
Baptisms at Sacred Heart
Baptisms are held following weekend Masses, by appointment. Parents and guests of the baptism are strongly encouraged to attend the Mass on the day before the baptism. This is a great way to begin your Christian journey as a family, modeling and raising your child in the Catholic faith.
Please call the parish office to register, or fill out this form and return it.
Not a parishioner yet? Fill out the registration form and return it with your baptismal request.
Some things to consider as you plan for your baptism:
- Would you like to have your child consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary? Click here.
- Is your marriage sacramentally valid within the Catholic Church? Would you like to learn more? Click here.
Infant baptism
A pre-baptismal class is required for first time parents. It is instructed by Deacon Kevin Nestor by appointment.
A special note on godparents
Choosing a godparent for your child’s baptism is very important. This is the person who will model for your child how to be a practicing Catholic. The Church requires that at least one godparent be a practicing Catholic, have been Confirmed, and be a member in good standing in the Church. Here at Sacred Heart, we require a member in good standing letter from your godparents parish.
School Age Baptism
Children of school age desiring baptism should attend the pre-baptismal classes with their parents and register for on-going religious education classes.
Adult Baptism or Initiation into the Catholic Faith
For adults requiring baptism, please see information on becoming Catholic or contact Father Doyle.