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High School Youth Ministry

Our Mission

What is this journey in between the event we call “birth” and the one we call “death”? Is the journey taking you somewhere, or are you leading yourself to some kind of destination – a destination that could extend beyond your last breath? What do you want from your life during the in between? The questions are there. And, the answers are too.

The Search at Sacred Heart meets once a month on the fourth Sunday from 11am – 12:15pm for exciting opportunities and dynamic discussions.

High School Youth Group. This group is inactive at this time

Questions? Contact the church office.

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.

St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Mass Times

Weekend Mass

Saturday 5:30 pm
Sunday 8:30 am & 10:00 am

Daily Mass

Monday 7:00 am
Tuesday 7:00 am
Wednesday 7:00 am
Friday 7:00 am
Saturday 8:30 am

Communion Service

Thursday 7:00 am

Holy Day of Obligation

Vigil – 5:30 pm
Mass – 7:00 am / 5:30 pm

Confession Times

Monday 7:30 am
Tuesday 7:30 am
Saturday 9:00 am / 4:30pm – 5:15 pm

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