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Prayer Resources

“For me prayer is a surge of the heart, it is a simple look towards Heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.”
-St. Therese of Lisieux

God invites us into a relationship with Him that is both personal and communal. He speaks to us through His Son, Jesus Christ, the Word-made-flesh. Prayer is our response to God who is already speaking or, better yet, revealing Himself to us. Therefore, prayer is not merely an exchange of words, but it engages the whole person in a relationship with God the Father, through the Son, and in the Holy Spirit. (excerpted from the USCCB section on prayer)

Check out the following links to help your prayer life grow

Divine Office- Liturgy of the Hours

Pray More Novenas


Our Daily Bread

Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Doctrinal Foundation of Devotion to the Sacred Heart

Prayers to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Additional Prayers and Devotions

Saint of the Day

“Pray with great confidence, with confidence based upon the goodness and infinite generosity of God and upon the promises of Jesus Christ. God is a spring of living water which flows unceasingly into the hearts of those who pray.”
-St. Louis de Montfort

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.

St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Mass Times

Weekend Mass

Saturday 5:30 pm
Sunday 8:30 am & 10:00 am

Daily Mass

Monday 7:00 am
Tuesday 7:00 am
Wednesday 7:00 am
Friday 7:00 am
Saturday 8:30 am

Communion Service

Thursday 7:00 am

Holy Day of Obligation

Vigil – 5:30 pm
Mass – 7:00 am / 5:30 pm

Confession Times

Monday 7:30 am
Tuesday 7:30 am
Saturday 9:00 am / 4:30pm – 5:15 pm

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